Fitness - Importance of Exercises....
- Strengthens bone, muscle, and improves Cardio Vascular Endurance
- Helps to manage weight
- Improves balance and coordination
- General Relaxation to reduce stress
- Enhances a state of well-being
- Aids digestion
- Helps to control diseases like diabetes and osteoporosis
- Reduces the risk of breast cancer
- Reduces the risk of heart disease
- Can reduce Pre Menstrual Syndrome(PMS) and menstrual complaints

- Assessment – height, weight and BMI measurements.
- Exercise prescription according to body type.
- Diet counseling.
- Comprehensive Management of Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease
Childbearing Years
Prenatal Classes

- Session 1&2
- Physical Changes during pregnancy
- An introduction to exercises during pregnancy
- Session 3&4
- Nutrition during pregnancy
- Review of exercises during pregnancy
- Breathing techniques
- Relaxation techniques
- Back care during pregnancy
- Breast Feeding techniques
- Session 5
- Labour and Delivery
- Preparation for child birth
- Methods of achieving painless delivery
Birth Ball Classes
- Ball basics
- Pregnancy safe exercises
- Labor positions
- Practice sessions
During Labor
- Assisting in first stage of labor
- Labor positions for quicker delivery
- Relaxation techniques to cope up with pain
Postnatal Classes

- 0-2 months after delivery – Exercise charts consisting of 10 exercises
- 2-8 months after delivery - Exercises concentrating on abdomen correction, posture, breast sagging prevention,Pelvic floor rehabilitation, counseling and treatment of Sexual dysfunction
Gynecological Problems

- Pelvic floor assessment and treatment - Urinary Incontinence and Genital Prolapse
Pre/Peri-Menopausal Programmes

- Counseling and assessment
- Work outs for specific body type
- Low impact strengthening exercises
- Diet management
For the elderly population
Menopause Programme

- Assessment
- Changes in the body
- Handling menopause
- Postural correction
- Exercises for prevention of musculo-skeletal problems
Post Menopausal Programme
- Counseling and assessment
- Balance training
- Treating the specific cause with exercise program